2BF357D9B-54B9-425D-88CF-7C7438AFFB999eb27b82-08ca-438f-b512-61c53528da136BE0AA2C-A40D-40EE-91FB-A70FD9BE8203New Style Swag - King Single - Ridge Pole StyleISWAG00233146500We love a swag as much as you do, so we’ve made some updates to what we believe is our best Ironman 4×4 swag yet. It’s even got an awning!
The new Ridge Pole Swag by Ironman 4×4 is a completely new design; moving away from the three-hoop concept of a traditional swag, to a simplified modern swags design consisting of a two-hoop frame with a tensioning centre ride pole. It’s not a new concept, but one that simplifies set-up and pack-up. It also offers greater volume, with no tapering at the waist and legs. Our camping swags are available in two sizes, so whether you need a humble swag for solo travellers, or you want more space for you and your partner, the Ironman 4×4 range of single and double swags will always have something to help you enjoy the great outdoors.
What’s really important in a ridge-pole design, is the quality of materials. A genuine 420gsm poly-cotton canvas gives the swag structural integrity in the dome to minimize drooping. The base is constructed of a 600gsm PVC, but again here what really matters is the height of the base, which wraps 100mm up the swag walls. This depth is what protects you and the mattress from groundwater seepage in inclement weather.
Let’s talk mattresses! This is no eggshell mattress with a deceptive height to density ratio, we’re talking a full 70mm of high density foam mattress bedding wrapped in canvas; there’ll be no peas felt here princess!
Swag dimensions: 2150mmx 1000mm x 800mm Mattress dimensions: 2150mm x 1000mm x 700mm16800340270
Outdoor & Nature
Camping & Bush Camp
4WD Offroad
Travel & Leisure
1|2024-12-21:04:00Camping Gear\Swags and Swag BagsF8866943-70E9-45D7-9833-F015F2949DBEISWAG0023 004.jpgISWAG0023 004.jpg(PATHUPLOAD)\__upload\Ironman4x4\Catalogue\images/5652.170
<type>2</type><id>BF357D9B-54B9-425D-88CF-7C7438AFFB99</id><pi>9eb27b82-08ca-438f-b512-61c53528da13</pi><ci>6BE0AA2C-A40D-40EE-91FB-A70FD9BE8203</ci><name>New Style Swag - King Single - Ridge Pole Style</name><code>ISWAG0023</code><itl>3</itl><sq>14</sq><ifa2>6500</ifa2><d1>We love a swag as much as you do, so we’ve made some updates to what we believe is our best Ironman 4×4 swag yet. It’s even got an awning!<br/><br/>The new Ridge Pole Swag by Ironman 4×4 is a completely new design; moving away from the three-hoop concept of a traditional swag, to a simplified modern swags design consisting of a two-hoop frame with a tensioning centre ride pole. It’s not a new concept, but one that simplifies set-up and pack-up. It also offers greater volume, with no tapering at the waist and legs. Our camping swags are available in two sizes, so whether you need a humble swag for solo travellers, or you want more space for you and your partner, the Ironman 4×4 range of single and double swags will always have something to help you enjoy the great outdoors.<br/><br/>What’s really important in a ridge-pole design, is the quality of materials. A genuine 420gsm poly-cotton canvas gives the swag structural integrity in the dome to minimize drooping. The base is constructed of a 600gsm PVC, but again here what really matters is the height of the base, which wraps 100mm up the swag walls. This depth is what protects you and the mattress from groundwater seepage in inclement weather.<br/><br/>Let’s talk mattresses! This is no eggshell mattress with a deceptive height to density ratio, we’re talking a full 70mm of high density foam mattress bedding wrapped in canvas; there’ll be no<br/>peas felt here princess!<br/><br/>Swag dimensions: 2150mmx 1000mm x 800mm <br/>Mattress dimensions: 2150mm x 1000mm x 700mm<property><weight>16</weight><length>800</length><width>340</width><height>270</height><applications><ul><li>Outdoor & Nature</li><li>Camping & Bush Camp</li><li>4WD Offroad</li><li>Adventure</li><li>Travel & Leisure</li></ul></applications></property></d1><d3><sysdyn_call>1|2024-12-21:04:00</sysdyn_call></d3><d4><parent>Camping Gear\Swags and Swag Bags</parent><firstid>F8866943-70E9-45D7-9833-F015F2949DBE</firstid></d4><imn>ISWAG0023 004.jpg</imn><imagename1>ISWAG0023 004.jpg</imagename1><imp>(PATHUPLOAD)\__upload\Ironman4x4\Catalogue\images/</imp><ifa1>5652.17</ifa1><ifa5>0</ifa5>
25B2ED597-117B-45C1-91D1-A96B517D451D9eb27b82-08ca-438f-b512-61c53528da136BE0AA2C-A40D-40EE-91FB-A70FD9BE8203New Style Swag - Double - Ridge Pole StyleISWAG00343157200We love a swag as much as you do, so we’ve made some updates to what we believe is our best Ironman 4×4 swag yet. It’s even got an awning!
The new Ridge Pole Swag by Ironman 4×4 is a completely new design; moving away from the three-hoop concept of a traditional swag, to a simplified modern swags design consisting of a two-hoop frame with a tensioning centre ride pole. It’s not a new concept, but one that simplifies set-up and pack-up. It also offers greater volume, with no tapering at the waist and legs. Our camping swags are available in two sizes, so whether you need a humble swag for solo travellers, or you want more space for you and your partner, the Ironman 4×4 range of single and double swags will always have something to help you enjoy the great outdoors.
What’s really important in a ridge-pole design, is the quality of materials. A genuine 420gsm poly-cotton canvas gives the swag structural integrity in the dome to minimize drooping. The base is constructed of a 600gsm PVC, but again here what really matters is the height of the base, which wraps 100mm up the swag walls. This depth is what protects you and the mattress from groundwater seepage in inclement weather.
Let’s talk mattresses! This is no eggshell mattress with a deceptive height to density ratio, we’re talking a full 70mm of high density foam mattress bedding wrapped in canvas; there’ll be no peas felt here princess!
Swag dimension: 2150mm x 1400mm x 850mm Mattress dimensions : 2150mm x 13150mm x 700mm201310310310
Outdoor & Nature
Camping & Bush Camp
4WD Offroad
Travel & Leisure
1|2024-12-21:04:00Camping Gear\Swags and Swag BagsF8866943-70E9-45D7-9833-F015F2949DBEISWAG0034 002.jpgISWAG0034 002.jpg(PATHUPLOAD)\__upload\Ironman4x4\Catalogue\images/6260.870
<type>2</type><id>5B2ED597-117B-45C1-91D1-A96B517D451D</id><pi>9eb27b82-08ca-438f-b512-61c53528da13</pi><ci>6BE0AA2C-A40D-40EE-91FB-A70FD9BE8203</ci><name>New Style Swag - Double - Ridge Pole Style</name><code>ISWAG0034</code><itl>3</itl><sq>15</sq><ifa2>7200</ifa2><d1>We love a swag as much as you do, so we’ve made some updates to what we believe is our best Ironman 4×4 swag yet. It’s even got an awning!<br/><br/>The new Ridge Pole Swag by Ironman 4×4 is a completely new design; moving away from the three-hoop concept of a traditional swag, to a simplified modern swags design consisting of a two-hoop frame with a tensioning centre ride pole. It’s not a new concept, but one that simplifies set-up and pack-up. It also offers greater volume, with no tapering at the waist and legs. Our camping swags are available in two sizes, so whether you need a humble swag for solo travellers, or you want more space for you and your partner, the Ironman 4×4 range of single and double swags will always have something to help you enjoy the great outdoors.<br/><br/>What’s really important in a ridge-pole design, is the quality of materials. A genuine 420gsm poly-cotton canvas gives the swag structural integrity in the dome to minimize drooping. The base is constructed of a 600gsm PVC, but again here what really matters is the height of the base, which wraps 100mm up the swag walls. This depth is what protects you and the mattress from groundwater seepage in inclement weather.<br/><br/>Let’s talk mattresses! This is no eggshell mattress with a deceptive height to density ratio, we’re talking a full 70mm of high density foam mattress bedding wrapped in canvas; there’ll be no<br/>peas felt here princess!<br/><br/>Swag dimension: 2150mm x 1400mm x 850mm <br/>Mattress dimensions : 2150mm x 13150mm x 700mm<property><weight>20</weight><length>1310</length><width>310</width><height>310</height><applications><ul><li>Outdoor & Nature</li><li>Camping & Bush Camp</li><li>4WD Offroad</li><li>Adventure</li><li>Travel & Leisure</li></ul></applications></property></d1><d3><sysdyn_call>1|2024-12-21:04:00</sysdyn_call></d3><d4><parent>Camping Gear\Swags and Swag Bags</parent><firstid>F8866943-70E9-45D7-9833-F015F2949DBE</firstid></d4><imn>ISWAG0034 002.jpg</imn><imagename1>ISWAG0034 002.jpg</imagename1><imp>(PATHUPLOAD)\__upload\Ironman4x4\Catalogue\images/</imp><ifa1>6260.87</ifa1><ifa5>0</ifa5>
2DB336395-B3AD-42D1-8CE6-D2BDB95812AF9eb27b82-08ca-438f-b512-61c53528da136BE0AA2C-A40D-40EE-91FB-A70FD9BE8203Swag Sleeping BagISWAGBAG3161850.014.0000Flannel lined to ensure you are warm and comfortable when out camping.4.18880230230
Outdoor & Nature
Camping & Bush Camp
4WD Offroad
Travel & Leisure
1|2024-12-21:04:00Camping Gear\Swags and Swag BagsF8866943-70E9-45D7-9833-F015F2949DBEISWAGBAG-1-1.jpgISWAGBAG-1-1.jpg(PATHUPLOAD)\__upload\Ironman4x4\Catalogue\images/1608.70
<type>2</type><id>DB336395-B3AD-42D1-8CE6-D2BDB95812AF</id><pi>9eb27b82-08ca-438f-b512-61c53528da13</pi><ci>6BE0AA2C-A40D-40EE-91FB-A70FD9BE8203</ci><name>Swag Sleeping Bag</name><code>ISWAGBAG</code><itl>3</itl><sq>16</sq><ifa2>1850.01</ifa2><ifa8>4.0000</ifa8><d1>Flannel lined to ensure you are warm and comfortable when out camping.<property><weight>4.18</weight><length>880</length><width>230</width><height>230</height><applications><ul><li>Outdoor & Nature</li><li>Camping & Bush Camp</li><li>4WD Offroad</li><li>Adventure</li><li>Travel & Leisure</li></ul></applications></property></d1><d3><sysdyn_call>1|2024-12-21:04:00</sysdyn_call></d3><d4><parent>Camping Gear\Swags and Swag Bags</parent><firstid>F8866943-70E9-45D7-9833-F015F2949DBE</firstid></d4><imn>ISWAGBAG-1-1.jpg</imn><imagename1>ISWAGBAG-1-1.jpg</imagename1><imp>(PATHUPLOAD)\__upload\Ironman4x4\Catalogue\images/</imp><ifa1>1608.7</ifa1><ifa5>0</ifa5>